I want to know if its possible to make fire do damage and spread over time after a button press and if so how would i go about doing that. Specifically im trying to make a little area that on button press will set alight some foliage and cause them to burn and be destroyed.
Wow this is an awesome explanation cheers dude I’m not quite sure what half of it means though as still understanding things. Ill give it a go tomorrow but ill be back to post my results.
Hey Erasio, Im having a hard time understanding and making a start on this. If you would be kind enough to post pictures of your steps i’d greatly appreciate it.
Had some personal issues i had to attend to but im back and still wanting to get this fire area sorted. I would really appreciate some guidance on this. Still coming to terms with things and can’t find anything else online to help.
Hi ThisGuy,
I am away from my computer at the moment so I can’t be too technical in my answer but I would make a blueprint out of your mesh that will be on fire and make a blueprint out of the foliage and add a sphere component A bit bigger than the meshes. Then I would add a blueprint interface to blueprints and have a collision between two spheres (actor on fire and a shrub for example) trigger an event that will set the shrub on fire. You can pass the event to the actor by getting the other actor from the collision event and using that as the target for the event. Let me know if you need more help and hopefully I’ll be on my computer to better help you. Good luck!
I have created the bush that will start the fire and have attached a sphere component to it as well as another bush that has a sphere component attached which will be used as the second target for the fire spread.
Im still very confused on where to go from here using blueprint interface and starting the fire. (as a note the triggered events happen in the level blueprint and not the buttons themselves). Picture references would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any help given.