Making Dead by daylight skill check

Hi everyone! Sorry for bad english.

I’m new in blueprints system, using unreal engine 5.1. Have a idea about making a fighting game with QTE mechanics. For example, i want to make circle skill check like in Dead by Daylight.

Is there any suggestions how to make it on blueprints? Or some internet pages where it’s decribed

I’d probably start by making a round progress widget. Which can be adjusted from 0 to 1.
It would have a timer that goes off every 0.05 or so, incrementing from 0 to 1.
When you hit a key, it stops and tells you what the number is.

Then I’d want min/max variables to indicate the goal.
If the number stops in that range then :+1: else :-1:

Thanks a lot for answering my question!

I already implement this thing like this (on screenshot)

At this moment i made this progress bar. Value gets from 0 to 1. Also i need to make some area, where appears zone to make click (like in Dead by Daylight)

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In the meantime, good luck and happy developing! :slight_smile:

Although the showcase and download page are in Japanese, here’s the link to a project that might help you:

And here’s the video showcasing it if you want to see what it is before downloading: 【DBD】SkillCheckSystem in UE4 - YouTube