Making automatic door help

I’m, making a door that works automatically using blueprint.
However, the door I made seems to work well, but When player moving quickly in front of the door causes problems.

Even though player is in front of the door,
the door does not open, and if player move away from the door in that state, the door plays closing animation.

your setup looks a bit incomplete and overworked at the same time :slight_smile:


on component begin/end overlap:

You should check if the overlapped actor (other actor) is your character and/or whatever you want to trigger the door. If you don’t check then everything that generates overlap and goes thru the box will open the door.

for example you can add a TAG to the actors that can open the door like ‘can open doors’ and then you check if 'other actor has the tag ‘can open doors’…if true then you proceed to open the door.

also you created a timeline for open the door and another timeline for closing the door. Note timelines have play forward and play reversed. You can just plug the close in the reverse execution entry point of the timeline…no need to duplicate all the code for it :slight_smile:

those events trigger jus once when you enter or leave…if you enter and move in front of the door wont trigger again just because you move…you must LEAVE the zone (to trigger the end overlap) and ENTER again.