Hello all! I am a fresh beginner making a 2 on 2 or possibly a 3 on 3 arcade basketball game inspired by the chaotic and fast gameplay of NBA Jam/Hangtime/Showtime series with extra RPG Classes and Subclasses with Souls elements for the main story mode, instead of relying on strictly stats like 2K or other sports games have. I have somewhat of a grasp of Blueprints, but I have no prior computer science background other than watching YouTube tutorials and surfing the web for help. This is just for a passion project of mine hoping to be published on Steam, Epic, and other platforms.
Right now I am just trying to get the gameplay foundation down, like basic but fast and responsive shooting/passing/defense mechanics, scoring/win loss/Quarter/Time game mode logic and to determine two and three pointers before I start doing any extra stuff with the stats and elements, art, music and sound designs.
I am stuck on having the player change his inputs for passing/shooting/Juking, animation state machine, and behavior when a player has the Ball array in the character’s blueprint. I have part of the ‘has ball’ state machine built, along with a ball structure and enum, I just want to see the transition before I start working on it any further.
Another thing I’m stuck on is instead of having the keyboard “T” input to pick up the ball for a placeholder, I would rather implement a collision event or something of that nature to “auto pickup and equip” instead of having a button input like all the rest of the sports games have.
Thank you for all that read this, I appreciate your time and any advice or help is welcomed!!!
Here’s what I have so far: