making an .apk without publish

Hi! I’m starting in unreal. I want to make an AR application with google AR Core, so I want to export a blueprint project for testing, but unreal doesn’t recognizes my phone (even though the set up of android is correct and I have the phone on the develop mode), so I just packaged the project as an .apk but I can’t install it in my phone, and I get this warning in the Output Log:

“UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): WARNING: The APKs won’t be signed and thus not installable unless you also pass a keystore via the flag --ks. See the command help for more information.
PackagingResults: Warning: The APKs won’t be signed and thus not installable unless you also pass a keystore via the flag --ks. See the command help for more information.”

So my cuestion is, I need to have a keystore if I only want to try the application and not to publish it?

Thank you

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This video helped but it did not solve it for me yet

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