Making AI Choose between the points on map randomly. Help!

So i need help with the blueprint i made for my ai. I can make its so he goes between the points on the map in order but i want him to choose the points randomly so he is less predictable, and make it so he stops at certain points for a couple of seconds to kind of look around.

Oh and ps i am new so you would have to explain in detail how to do it.


first time poster so bear with me :slight_smile:

What you can do is actually use a “GetAllActorsOfClass” node to get all your points, put those in an array, and using the “Random” node, fetch a random value from your array.

hope this help and that the pic is actually uploaded :slight_smile:


first time poster so hope it all goes well… :slight_smile:

a way to do this is to get all the the points the pawn can go to, store those points in an array, and randomly call an element from this array