Making a Tetris Game in UE4 + Free Tetris exe Game!

I’m making a tutorial on how to make a Tetris game in UE4. I just finished the game,and now im going to start making the tutorial and once I’m finished ill upload it to YouTube and add a link to the playlist.

I have a exe of the finished game and its what the tutorial will be made from. So if you are interested you can download it to see what we will be making, if not you can download it and play it for fun as there aren’t any free Tetris games on PC (from what i could find)

The game should open in a 1280 x 720 window but if it doesn’t press 0 to force it to. The game is also optimized to run on lower end computers but you can press the – or + key to change resolution size and 0 to reset it. Also press Esc at anytime to exit the game.

Download here!

If you run into any bugs or problems let me know or if you have any thoughts.


thanks for share.
I am find Document about for game