Making a "resurrecting" character

Hello again. Here’s another one. I’m working on a ‘resurrecting’ character which happens to be ai. Here’s how i want it to work; after receiving enough damage from various weapons to bring its health down to zero, instead of dying and destroying as with normal characters, I want this one to run out of health, then set the health back to its full value, and on this ‘second’ life, after it has received enough damage to bring its health to zero can it then finally die and destroy. heres my trial

and this worked fine up till the point where it was supposed to finally die and destroy but this didnt happen as it kept running out of and restoring its health whenever it was damaged. Any ideas on how to make it die the second time?

You could always try something like this. It’s pretty straight forward.
When health reaches 0, you set boolean Died Once to true, prevent target from taking any damage (so it doesn’t’ trigger 2nd death right away), hide actor in game, wait 2s, replenish hp to full and allow damage, finally show actor in game.