Pretty much, this blue BotAI on the right needs to touch that button on the wall (enter it’s collision box) so that this yellow object on the left can come down to create steps the player can progress on.
(I already have a script in place so that the player can control the AI to go to the button on the wall by clicking E on the button, and then E on the bot, so that bit is already done)
This seems pretty simple but I’m very new to Unreal still. Thank you.
Your button and your character will both have their own ‘type’ of thing that they are - see in the details panel.
The button needs its collisions set to overlap for the characters type & the character needs its capsule collisions set to overlap whatever your button type is.
Both will need to have generate overlap events ticked.
Now, in the button actor you can use the ‘on begin overlap’ event - which you will find in bottom of details panel.
And that is about it really. You can check what sort of actor is overlapping if you like and so on. When the character overlaps the button the event will fire and you can code whatever you want to happen next.
Using an interface to send a message to the actor you want to respond is a good idea usually.
This is quite a good intro - [Interfaces in Unreal]