Making a mesh move up instead of instantly teleporting

I’m trying to create a blueprint that raises a static mesh at a gradual pace with a Timeline, however I’m having trouble solving its issue of instantly moving to its assigned vectors via SetWorldLocation.

BP (Pastebin included):


Current build:

Any advice, no matter how small, would be appreciated.


you must use the New Track 0 value of the timeline…if you don’t then the timeline is useless because you are just placing the constant value of end point

it your timeline goes from 0 to 1 then use lerp node and use the new track value as alpha and connect start and end vectors to the lerp

like this


Thanks for the rapid response.

Its funny because I had inserted LERP a few hours ago, and deleted it thinking it was redundant. Oh how wrong I was.

Guess its time I head back to Blueprint preschool lol

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