Their is also an editable text that i want to save to become the title of the save slot created.
I have a “load game” widget that use an ui for the save slot, i want the image saved earlier to be applied on the image from the save slot ui and the text to be applied to the button text as the name of the save game. (here is the bluprint of the saveslotUI)
I realize i put the whole thing pretty badly (i’m not english si i did not realize), to answer your question, yes i’m asking for help and no i did not manage to solve my issus.
I have a widget for “new profile” where player choose a file from their pc (this is working !) and they input a name in a editable box. I want to save both the editable text and the texture of the image into a save slot but either it don’t work or i don’t manage to load these informations.
I then have my “load profile” widget where i’m suppose to choose the profile i want to load, so i made a scroll box that contain my “save slot” .
My problem is that i don’t understand how to save everything into the right save slot and make the saved variable (here the texture and the editable text) appear on the “load profile” slot.
I have a game instance,
I’m trying to have a lot of save slot and the title of each slot be dinamically change when a new profile is created with the texture added to the image in the save slot.
My question here is how could i load on a different widget the saved variables, given they are really saved.
I will add that i’m pretty new to the world of creating games so if things look strange or wrong, they might just be.
You have one save game object with the name of the slot and the image ( and eventually, everything else they need to save ). You will save each of these in a slot with the same name as the text. But… later, when you want to make the widget, you don’t know those slot/save names. That’s why you need another SG object and slot, just to keep the names.