Making a fence around a landscape


I want to make a square fence around and entire landscape. What would be the best way to do this? Do I need to place mesh after mesh or is there an easier way?


First off I just want to say I don’t know the answer but what I am assuming your saying is you have a fence section that is X amount long and scaling it “stretches the image” and you would like to duplicate the mesh around the length of the perimeter of the property. If that is the case I have this question aswell. Is there any way to duplicate the layers and have the duplicates get sent to the end of the previous mesh.

Also is there a way to “flatten” in photoshop terms a group of assets that you want to be one asset. Say you have two mesh planes next to each other but you want to merge them into one while keeping them in place.

Yes, that is correct, I want to duplicate it as many times as needed.

I think the Landscape Spline Tool might be of some use here.

Thanks, that sounds like the tool I want.

No problem

This could be of possible help:

thanks for the link Osok.