as the title says, I’m trying to get an actor from the scene with a certain tag (this I do have working), and make an exact same copy of it somewhere in the scene. However, after googling and searching for a solution, there don’t seem to be any tips on how to achieve this.
Example to make it simpler: I have an Apple on the scene. I just need to get that Actor, and COPY it to some other transform location. I’ve got no blueprints on the apple model, and I’m doing this in the level blueprint. I could just reference that model from the scene, but the thing is, I need it working for any actor tagged.
you just need to get reference to the actor by using something like a linetrace or overlap event, then get its class, and finally spawn actor of class.
Hey thx for your input…
My Problem is, that i have an custom empty Actor that gets filled with Runtime Mesh Components after its spawned.
So Spawn Actor would always give me an empty actor…
But I need a copy (or better instance) of the Actor AFTER its filled with Runtime Mesh Components.
The process of creating the Runtime Mesh Components is very time consuming, so having the option to just duplicate them instead of creating again would be nice…
Right know i didn’t found a solution for this…
The Creator of RMC seems to be looking into this (Instancing support (Probably ISMC style unless there’s enough demand for HISMC style support).
Hopefully there will be an update soon with this feature or somebody finds another workaround…