I would like to make a charge jump for my character where the longer i hold down the jump button the higher my character will jump when released. i have no idea where to start with this and would like help please?
thankyou in advanced
I would like to make a charge jump for my character where the longer i hold down the jump button the higher my character will jump when released. i have no idea where to start with this and would like help please?
thankyou in advanced
thankyou, it works but only once then it it jumps normal and the charge doesn’t work again?
are you sure you added everything from the image above? can you make sure you have one Set bJumpButtonCharging with a check mark, and the other without? can you make sure you didn’t mix up JumpBoost with JumpBoostRate somewhere? can you post an image of what your event graph looks like?
What is that Jump Boost Rate variable?
JumpBoostRate is a custom float variable that controls how fast the JumpBoost variable increases. i set its default to 400.
then JumpBoost is a custom float that controls how much is added to the default JumpZVelocity, which was 420. after adding the jumpBoost to JumpZVelocity, JumpBoost is reset to 0.
i got it working fine now it was the copy of event tick i used, thanks again mate