Making a Carry-able 'Nano'boa- got some issues :D

This would be considered my first attempt at modding so I may be missing something pretty obvious… but I’ve gotten a bunch of requests for a tiny boa to carry about, since we’re getting a lot of carry-ables officially, so I shrunk it down it looks really great and everything, got all the defaults set up… but two things, when its carried it just glitched through the knee, which I expected… Stuff to do with the skeletal structure and where it sits while carried, I think I saw those options… and when its thrown, it goes right back to default sizes/options… Wondering if the skeletal thing can be altered in the modder, made to maybe hang from the shoulder like it would a cliff? and how to keep it from popping back to full size when thrown.

Is it possible to also add a torpor effect to its attack? Much like the Meganeura perhaps?

All help is greatly appreciated!

As far as the scaling and location goes:
Copy the BoaFrill_Character_BP rename it. Open it and change the CapsuleComponent-> Scale XYZ to the components you want. I used 0.25 for each. Next edited the Mesh -> location -> Z to make the boa sit on the ground for 0.25 scaling then Z = -665.0 seems to sit correctly on the ground.
Search for floating HUDText World Offset change the Z to -50. This makes the title appear correctly above the snake.

For the stamina/torp effects search for melee damage type and change them to DmgType_Melee_Dino_Carnivore_Small_StamDrain for stamina drain and if you want torp find one that ends in torp or tranq