I am trying to make a camera system where the camera is locked behind the player, and when they turn the camera rotates as well to always face the same way as the character. Similar to WoW’s camera system and many other mmorpgs. I am also wanting to set it up so that the player can press the RMB and rotate the camera around the character model. Any videos that are recent out there that show how to do this in blueprints? or some one that has the blueprint system already set up for that, that are willing to share?
Add spring arm component to character mesh (so that it’s attached to it and turns with the mesh)
Give spring arm a length, rotate it upwards
attach camera on it (place it under it in componenet tab (as child)
in event graph, create right mouse button input node
Get spring arm from component tab and drag it into event graph, drag pin from it and search for “use pawn control rotation” boolean and set it to true when mouse button pressed, false when released.
Add this: (if it’s not in there already)
- That should get the basics of it working. I would also advise setting a boolean to true whenever you are in mouse looking mode and using it to show or hide mouse cursor.