Making 4 tribes and put 8 player in them. HOW? :)


i want to make a mod, where people in four teams are playing against each other. One round should go not longer as 30 minutes to play.

Now I want to put via blueprint 2 players in one tribe (Green), two players in the next one (Blue) … and so on, since every tribe got 2 members.
Than i want to spawn these 8 players in the right 4 spawn points of each team on the map.

Anyone any idea how to do this?

My tries are:

  1. Checking the Tribe UI to get any information about changing the tribe allocations? No result, no blueprint nodes, only a variable.
  2. Try to find any console commands and execute them with the execute console node. Can’t get the execute-console-node to run in BP-Blueprint or level blueprint.

one around-solution is to make an extra level, which is working as lobby. The players must choose their team there and than teleport them via “Load level”-node to the playingmap and the spawnpoints i choose.

But in need a solution inside the game, to control if people are leaving and the team is empty, for example.

I appreciate all help. Thanx for reading, thinking and … answering :slight_smile:

Download the SOTF TC files and look at those.


There is no way of artifically creating a tribe. The tribe needs to be created by a player. But you can add players to existing tribes. You can find more inforamation about that in the SOTF files as WM said.

Pro-tip: Make a copy of your ADK. The SOTF files will overwrite dozens of files.

Ok, thanx for the info. Than i have to find another solution to lets them fight against each other in different teams.

I will download the SOTF stuff, if i am more in it :). But thanx for all this great info

PS: Dank Dir :). Kann ich Dich adden? Finden sich selten welche in Berlin. :wink:

It is possible to make tribe data, though I don’t know about the Tribe ID, and you can also add to tribes by getting the player state reference from the pawn, dragging off it and casting to shooterplayerstate, from there under the Helper section in the right-click menu there are a few tribe related nodes.

You would still be better off checking the SOTF files however to see how Wildcard have implemented these things.


Last time I checked the node responsible for that was broken as you can see here (all the marked pins should be on the left side):

Might be that they actually fixed it by now. I should check it someday.

BattleTribeData also exists, which more than likely suits the purposes here… by the looks of it it’s also what they must use for SOTF. It only contains setting the Tribe Name and Tribe ID, all you would really need for linking players together, thought BattlePlayerData would probably need to be used instead.

I don’t have the SOTF files so I don’t know if that’s what they use or how they’re used. They can’t be used with the add to tribe, naturally, as they’re of a different type. So there’d most likely be a way unique to SOTF for handling it.