Make static mesh spin faster if certain amount of seconds have past?

At the beginning of “0” seconds, the static mesh starts to spin at it’s slowest rate, building up to “30” seconds, which would spinning at its fastest rate. How can this be implemented? Would be interested to know and would appreciate any help.

You could do something like this:

The first part of the sequence counts up the seconds, and the second part maps the seconds to the range of the min and max speeds you want to use, and adds a local rotation.

Another solution.

If you wanted to control the curve of the spin up / down, you could combo Rotating Movement Component with a Timeline:

  • here, pressing 1 increases the rate at which the rotating component applies Y over timeline duration
  • releasing 1 reverses the process and the spin rate slows down
  • the length of the Timeline can be dynamically adjusted with the Set Play Rate node

Image from Gyazo

Thank you for your response. :slight_smile:

Interesting approach. Thank you for taking out time to respond to my question. :slight_smile: I appreciate it