Make rotation of Static Mesh?

Hello, guys. Im new to Unreal Engine and I find it interesting. Im working in a project on trial period as an intern and I need your help.

I have to create buttons with which I can rotate a Machine Gun on a tank`s turret. (Not mouse, but keyboard buttons). I managed to create this blueprint. It tilts the whole tank, cuse i cannot target the machine gun.

Can you help me? Can a Static Mesh be controlled by a player? Can it be rotated? Can it be implemented into my blueprint?

Thanks in advantage!

Hi @ASAPSpartacus.
I was wondering something, why does rotating the actor itself not working for you? If your Static Mesh (your tank) is a child in the Pawn, rotating the actor should also rotate the static mesh as well. Mind sharing what issues occur when rotating the actor?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hi @ASAPSpartacus.
I saw below sentense in unreal documentation.
Static mobility is reserved for Actors that will not move or update in any way during gameplay.

I think you should reference this URL, Actor Mobility in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

You’re trying to rotate the entire actor - rotate a Component instead. Avoid placing nodes down with no context. Drag a wire first and then search:


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Thank you very much, sir!

Wish you all best!

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