Hello, guys. Im new to Unreal Engine and I find it interesting. Im working in a project on trial period as an intern and I need your help.
I have to create buttons with which I can rotate a Machine Gun on a tank`s turret. (Not mouse, but keyboard buttons). I managed to create this blueprint. It tilts the whole tank, cuse i cannot target the machine gun.
Can you help me? Can a Static Mesh be controlled by a player? Can it be rotated? Can it be implemented into my blueprint?
Hi @ASAPSpartacus.
I was wondering something, why does rotating the actor itself not working for you? If your Static Mesh (your tank) is a child in the Pawn, rotating the actor should also rotate the static mesh as well. Mind sharing what issues occur when rotating the actor?
Hi @ASAPSpartacus.
I saw below sentense in unreal documentation. Static mobility is reserved for Actors that will not move or update in any way during gameplay.