Make Player move with non verticly moving platforms.

Hello, I am making a game for a game jam, I have moving platforms, the vertical ones are fine but the ones that are not, move the player jitteringly, Is their a solution to this? Posting this in Programming/Blueprint, as I thinks it makes sense here. Here’s a screenshot if it is useful:

My Player is a sphere, and has Sim Physics, the platform is a detailed cylinder and uses a closed cyl for custom collision.

I can’t think of the correct function(s) that would solve this or not cause other problems.

Try to disable the motion blur effect in the post process volume to see if that makes any difference. Alternatively try to disable it alongside the Anti Aliasing found in the Project Settings. This will most likely resolve the issue, if it doesn’t please let me know so we can continue debugging the issue together! :slight_smile:

There was no motion blur in the post process and it wasn’t enabled in the project settings.