Make objects go faster and crea6te highscore

Hello there,
Me and my friend are making a 2D Runner game. However I can’t seem to figure out how to make projectiles goes faster the more time in the game you spend. So say you begin the game, the projectiles movement are somewhat slow. And when you have played for about 2 minutes the projectiles start to move faster by themselves. Any of youhave any ideas on how to do this?

Any idea how to make a higscore that stuck after you die and updates after you beat it, but still is there when you close the game?

Hi @Tobzzz3y!
What you can do is create an event in your player character that fires off when you want the timer to start counting. Create a delay function for 1 second and create a timer variable that holds an integer to keep track of how many seconds have passed. If you want the projectiles to increase their speed every two minutes, you can just check to see if that timer variable is equal to 120 and you can either choose to reset it, or you can keep the value and use a modulo operator and the denominator can be 120.

As for saving their score, and this works for when the player closes the game, you need to use a SaveGame file. I’ve attached a video explaining how to set that up. Let me know if there are any other questions about anything and I’ll try my best to explain it! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have tried everything but do not get it to work, we are quite new to this whole create game thing. The High Score won’t stay on the screen and the rocks won’t go faster.

Have followed the video and that won’t work and have tried to follow your description but that did not work either.