Make Item spawner stop after reaching a limit

I am trying to make an item spawner drop wood continuously but I want it to stop if it reaches 500 wood drops that have not been picked up and once it has been picked up keeps spawning. Is it possible with verse to track how many items are accumulated on the ground in a specific area or is there a device that can do this?

maybe try a mutator zone and a tracker?

yea tried using a mutator, unfortunately, however nothing in the settings can be used to track item drops same as the tracker, thank you for your suggestion though.

does the player trigger an event when picking up the wood?

maybe find the pickup code for the wood find what events it has

ya it does but what if the wood is already at like 1,500 drops before a player picks it up you know?

so how you have the spawning setup?
cant you just count every time it spawns to increment a variable?
then listen for the pickup event to decrement the same variable?

infact you could subscribe to the pickup event of the wood as you spawn it

you know what you did give me and idea with this thank you! Will update to see if it worked