The scenario is that, when the player presses a key a widget will pop out asking what destination he/she wants to go, then the first person character will automatically move to that location.
If anyone can provide a blueprint tutorials would be great. Im totally new to unreal engine so i dont know how to connect nodes properly if you just explain it.
Telling from my experience, you will not get a full tutorial here - it would take a couple of hours to put something together just for you.
Your best bet is too look up AI tutorials on YT - there are plenty of examples. When you press a button, have the AI take over and take your character there.
Yes, it should also walk up stairs. What would you suggest i use? move to function or spline ?
I have been searching and this two came out most. I dont know which is easier to implement and running out of time.
I understood the way it is used, thanks to the video. The problem with me is that i dont know how to actually implement it in my game. In the video he already made the nodes, but im more of “start from scratch” guy when it comes to tutorials. I get the way it is used but dont really know how to put it in my game.
And i read a thread about how you cant use the playercontroller to the move to since it needs to use an aicontroller. but maybe it changed already
if the ai move to dont work then the simple move to will work fine for you case. it uses navigation to automatically create a path for you then move the character. theres a simple move to for moving to a actor or location. both work on the currently possesed character too (i just tested to be sure).
Hey, thanks again for the blueprint, it is working. Now i would like to ask what to use if i am to move to a trigger box, should i use move to actor or location ?
that would be a move to actor since the trigger box is an actor. unless you want to move to a specific location within the trigger then use move to location. either one is fine really it just depends on the application. imagine you wanted to move to a moving target in that case move to actor is the way to go because it isnt a set location.
Hello again, the move to actor is finally working, thank you.
Now is it possible to make a widget with a drop down where the user can select a destination. then onclick the player move to that destination ?
Also when i move the blueprint to a button , it seems it cannot find the character and the goal ?
yes it is possible. i havent worked with drop menus so ill speak as if it were buttons but should be the same. basically you just need a on click event which calls the move to, you will also need a reference to where you want to move. this is why you cant find the character as you cant get a reference like you could in the level bp.
the easiest way to implement all this for your case would be to create the widget from the level bp and assign a variable when created whos value is the location or actor you want. to do this, create your widget and add the move to script, then create a variable array named targetactors. now in the level bp you need a script which creates the widget and adds it to the viewport. now from the create widget node drag off the blue output pin and search for set targetactors to get the variable. now you can just drag in a a reference from the level and make the destinations into an array.
below is a example of how this could be done. you could also make the destinations more dynamic, being selected based on criteria at run time but thats a bit more complex. this should show you the basics of how to get it done.
Wow, thank you very much for helping me. Now i will just have to search for how save the trigger boxes in an array and put it in a combo box. I think i will mark this as resolved. Again thank you very much !!