Is there a way to make decals ignore certain surfaces, or more accurately, only spawn on certain surfaces?
My initial thought was to use tags: Decals would get assigned a tag and then they would get spawned on the actors in the world with the same tag, nothing else.
Or instead of looking trough all actors, I would only get the ones inside the DecalActors bounds and see if they contained the tag.
But to do this, I first need to know if it’s possible to make a decal spawn/only be visible on a specific actor?
For example: I have D1 D2 and D3 (decals) and I want mesh1 to be affected by D1 and D2, but not D3, while mesh2 should be affected by D1 and D3, but not D2.
It’s not a fully fledged system afaik. But it should be possible to get the Dbuffer and filter; if it’s only 3 decals, you could get away with If. Not sure whether tutorials on this exist, try digging using these keywords: decal response
Alright thank you, I will see what I can find.
Sadly it is more than only three decals, the number isn’t really a set number bus depends on levels and other stuff.