Is it possible to make an Enum inside a Blueprint? Or change the values.
Mentioning another user:
You shouldn’t edit or create them at runtime, they’re mainly used for something static that doesn’t change over time, you could use an array of names or something else instead
Trying to have more than 1 of the same type, can’t create a child Enum.
Can you please explain what are you trying to do? That would be usefult to provide you an alternative solution
For example, if I have a Color Selection Enum called Enum-ColorSelect with the names Orange / Purple / Blue but could also be one with Blue / Pink / Yellow. In a blueprint just refer to the same Enum type and swap as and when needed.
I would create a enum, called EColors that contains every color, in this case:
Orange, Purple, Blue, Pink and Yellow.
In the first blueprint create a variable that is an array of EColor and select only Orange, Purple and Blue in the values, in the second blueprint do the same with Blu, Pink and Yellow.
If you need to add or remove colors at runtime from these arrays you can use the functions “Add” and “Remove”
How can this be used as a normal Enum?
What do you mean by “normal enum”?
What operation do you need to perform with these values? Do you need to use them in a widget or something like that?
No, just with a Selection Node. From what I understand each color listed is actually an array for each one.