Make certain dinos damage stone structures?

Im trying to make the ankylo and doed damage stone structures but can’t figure out how to… if its even possible. if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

Look up “damage type” in the DinoBP. Then search “structure settings” in the stone structures, then plug in the damage type into the base damage type adjusters then set a modifier to control how much damage they do to it.

so the damage type i get when i search structures settings is StructureSettings_BrokenByExplosives_WeakMetalDmg… but when i try to add that into the base damage type nothing happens

I believe dewo1984 is trying to have you control this from the side of the stone structures, specifying that they can be damaged by Doed and Anky damage types.

Judging by your response you’re trying to tackle it from the other end, in the settings of the dinos, and with that you need to scroll through the Melee Damage Type settings of Doed and Anky. It’s a very long list, but types of damage that are able to damage stone will usually say DmgStone or something of that nature. I’m not sure how this will affect their mining ability, so you may have to actually make a new damage type that can both mine and damage stone, but once applied then any attacks that have that damage type should damage stone structures.

If you do have to make a new damage type, I would recommend parenting new types off of the Anky and Doed mining damage types, and figuring out how to allow your new types to damage stone from there.

Alright gotcha… Now to find out how to make a new damage type. LOL