Make built-in cloth Stiffer

Hi! Hope everyone’s having a decent day. Right now I’m struggling with unreal’s built in cloth physics; I have a character with curved hair, but when I apply cloth physics, the hair falls straight down, as if normal hair were wet. There are about a billion variables called “[something] stiffness”, but which one will let me increase hair stiffness to give the hair some curvature in spite of gravity? If not one of these options, how should I do it?

The cloth is made entirely within unreal engine. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

I had the same question for quite some time now, and today i finaly found a solution.

Besides the Max Distance Mask you have to create a new one and set it to “Anim Drive Multiplier” (rightclick → set target). Than you paint the parts wich are attached to the body with a high value and the further away parts with lower and lower values. For me a Range between 100 and 30 worked quite well. I only painted the very last vertices 0.

Also lowering the gravity scale value to something like 0.1 helped quite a lot.

for convinience there is also a gradient tool in the paint section:

This sounds more like a workaround that gives good enough results in specific cases. Both “anim drive multiplier” and gravity don’t have anything to do with stiffness.

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Yes, it’s possible in Unreal Engine. In Unreal Engine 5.2, select your cloth asset and under Config->Cloth Configs->ChaosClothConfig, if you hover over ‘EdgeStiffness’ or ‘AreaStiffness’ or ‘BendingStiffness’, the pop-up prompt says: increase iteration count for stiffer materials. Iteration count you can find under 'Config->Cloth Configs->ChaosClothSharedSimConfig. Also, you can affect stiffness with additional vertex masks. Add a new mask under masks and set target to Bending Stiffness or Area Stiffness. I added one for my mesh and set vertex weights to 100 for this mask (maximum stiffness). Then I increased the iteration count to about 10, and the cloth became much stiffer, so this works 100%.
Bear in mind, the promp also says that higher iteration count costs more performance. So it seems like you will have to pay with performance for stiffer clothing, although I am not sure why it works in this way.