I’m starting to learn unreal and I wanted to try to make a fan-made SCP game and there’s one SCP (SCP-097) that only becomes agressive when the player looks at his face. I already have the animations for it but I can’t seem to make it trigger
Hey @NewAtlas99! Welcome to the forums!
What I would suggest is:
First, make your Function for aggression on SCP 097.
Next, on the player’s tick, use a line trace by channel from the player camera straight forward.
Then off of the “HitActor” use “GetClass” into “= Class” and put in the SCP actor’s class as the option in the drop down.
Plug that into a branch above, with the Execution line from the Line Trace.
After that, use “HitActor” again, Cast to “SCPThing” and then “AsSCPThing” run your aggression function.
Try something simple for now, like just a printString saying “I SEE YOU” or something
Thank you. Will try this
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