Make AI move in a certain direction

I know that I can make an AI Character move to a certain location with the “AI MoveTo”-Node but is there a way to just say “move to direction”, maybe with a vector input for the direction the character should move, to make him move to the left/right for example?

theres a “move to location or actor” node that allows a vector goal location as well as actor location.

Thanks for your answer. But what I need it is not a “move to place / location” but a “move in this direction” similar to the “Add movement input” function of the pawn class.
To clarify, I don’t want to tell the AI to “move to the barrel over there” but just to “move forward” or move “45 degrees to the left” indefinitely.

Why don’t you just use “Add Movement Input”? Connected it to Tick and apply a unit vector indicating the direction you want it to go.

Putting it in Tick doesn’t appear as the most elegant solution to me but it seems to work. Thanks a bunch!

Here’s my attempt to move an AI character forward using the AI framework.

Simply override PerformConditionCheck to allow BTTask_MoveForward to execute


I realize this is old, but I’m trying to do something similar. Add Movement Input doesn’t seem to work on a non-player AI. Is there something more that needs to be done to make this happen?