Make actor stop moving

Hey, so I want to make an enemy character to stop moving when the health goes to 0.
But I don’t want it to be destroyed (as in destroy actor)
So I want to the enemy character to stop moving for a few seconds after it died, then after a few seconds it will move again (like an enemy that can’t die)
Any idea on how to do this?
I don’t use any AI for this enemy, I just use a simple moveset for a platformer character (go left and right)

If you are using a function timer event to do the move set, you can pause the timer + re set to enemy current location when health is zero and then resume it after a delay.

You can disable input with boolean.

I suggest you learn about ability system. There is Omega Game Framework for example, that has Ability System (and other cool stuff).
Doing everything with abilities (modular), you can disable all the character abilities at once and give them back wherever you want