Make a Scene Capture ignore certain meshes

Hello there. I was wondering, is there any performance cheap way of making a Scene Capture not render certain objects?

Thanks in advance

Hello mago314,

What you could do is have a blueprint attached to your scene capture. This blueprint would have a check for if that mesh is in the viewport. If so then set the camera to not render it. You could create an array to handle this that way you don’t draw each mesh separately and take up draw calls.

If I understood your answer, you are telling to not render anything when the mesh is in view. What I need is to draw all the scene, always. It should look as if the mesh was transparent.

I was just looking at this tutorial: Render 3D objects in UMG Widget/HUD | EngineUnreal

Check out what he does with this Bluescreen material. Might find you a workaround if your capture has many objects around its premise.

If I used a material which renders in another color the objects I don’t want to display, I wont still be able to see what is behind the ‘hidden’ mesh :frowning:

I am interested in this topic too and wonder how do you “set the camera to not render it”. since i only have one actor i want to be hidden this sems to be a good way.

Hello mago,

What I was suggesting is make a check for the mesh you want omitted from your viewport. You can render everything else in your scene while passing the mesh you want omitted as a blendable with a post process. This check would detect the static mesh, and then add the material on it to a post process that adds the material to a pass that is not viewable in scene.

Did you ever find a solution for this?

I know this is super late, but Get your Scene Capture 2D referenced in a blueprint and drag off to “Set Hidden Actors”. Unsure if there is a way with meshes, but it works for Blueprints.



You can use “Show Only Actors” or “Hidden Actors” properties of SceneCapture2D.
You don’t have to use blueprint or create any special material.