Make a list of player characters / Actors with the following:

Hello. I want the list or I guess array to be allowed to be adjusted at anytime throughout the game, and emptied.

The premise is there are teammates that you can call to aid you on a mission or quests, and there are potential enemies that you can also add as allies to that list, allowing you to once again call them for help.

I would assume this to be handled via an array, but is it supposed to be an array of actors with data such as stats and attributes like strength attack, magic, levels, etc. or Actors and Data Structures?

So I would be working with data structures I’m sure, but where should I handle how this information gets handled or where the array gets adjusted and / or emptied?

I haven’t really put out anything as of yet, as I just writing it out. I completed an inventory system so I believe this may have some similar concepts.