Hey guys,
Today I’m curious on a more complex topic. I’m interested in creating something similar to a TMap Template Class (although instead of it being compatible with ElementType, with class T); however, I have never done it before (neither within UE4’s application context nor any language). So far I’ve been storing said information within UStructs but as I need more variations, I’ve had to manually create Ustruct classes. I know that this is not the path to take and thus I’m looking for help. I have checked a couple of container classes inside UE4’s source code but am still not sure how to go about it. I would rather make one myself and not inherit from TSortableMaps.
Could anyone point me in what direction to take?
an Example of what I currently have (works perfectly but If I want an intFname or any different I’d have to create a custom pair of structures). I have a lot of functions to make for this in mind but I’m hesitant to begin implementing them until I can find a way to not have to copy + paste them every time I need a variation.
USTRUCT(BlueprintType) struct FMakeKeyFNameInt
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Data")
FName Entry;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Data")
int KeyValue;
FMakeKeyFNameInt() {}
explicit FMakeKeyFNameInt(FName Entry, int KeyValue): Entry(Entry), KeyValue(KeyValue)
{ }
FString StaticString()
return Entry.ToString();
FName StaticName()
return Entry;
int StaticInteger()
return Entry;
USTRUCT(BlueprintType) struct FMakeTMapFNameInt //Declaration. This behaves like a Dictionary (TMap). Also using since TMap Functions return error in ElementType conversions
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Data")
TArray<FMakeKeyFNameInt> MapBase;
FMakeTMapFNameInt() {}
explicit FMakeTMapFNameInt(TArray<FMakeKeyFNameInt> MapBase): MapBase(MapBase)
{ }
explicit FMakeTMapFNameInt(const FMakeKeyFNameInt Base): MapBase({Base})
{ }
explicit FMakeTMapFNameInt(const TArray<FName> Base): MapBase({})
if (Base.Num())
for (int X = 0; X < Base.Num(); X++)
MapBase.Add(FMakeKeyFNameInt(Base[X], 0));
int FindByEntry(FName Name)
return UCMAbstractStructs::FindByStaticName<FMakeKeyFNameInt>(MapBase, Name);
int FindByKey(int Key)
return UCMAbstractStructs::FindByStaticInteger<FMakeKeyFNameInt>(MapBase, Key);
int GetMax()
if (!MapBase.Num()) return -1;
int Max = -1;
int MaxValue = -10000000000000000000;
for (int X = 0; X < MapBase.Num(); X++)
if (MapBase[X].KeyValue > MaxValue)
MaxValue = MapBase[X].KeyValue;
Max = X;
return Max;