Make a child object move the player character?

I’m modifying the Side Scroller template.

I’ve created a new character blueprint to replace the default player character. My player is a space ship static mesh which is moved around by a PhysicsThrusterComponent object. So, in this case, I don’t have a skeletal mesh to assign to the Mesh component of the character blueprint. The ship static mesh is a child of Mesh, and the PhysicsThruster component is child of the ship mesh:


The ship does move, but it moves independently of the Mesh component. I’m guessing this will be a problem in my game because the player technically isn’t moving at all. Only the child object is moving.

How can I make the ship mesh move the player character along with it?

In this case you dont need the charactermovement component and the capsule component, since flying characters dont use the movement component of a walking character. So you can just remove those and place your spaceship mesh to the root, or start over and make something like the ship in flying template.

That makes sense, but I was not able to remove either of those components from the Character blueprint.
So, following your next suggestion, I started over with a blank Pawn blueprint, added my mesh, thruster, and a camera, and everything worked as intended. Thanks!