Make a Begginer Blueprint look and works (better) Profesionall ?

… in the game i’m working on, this is one of the puzzles …

How would someone professionally engaged in this work do this?

I am particularly interested in the part where the location is determined. In this case, there are 4x5 fields, so it’s not that difficult for me to manually write the location for each field … what if there are 10x10 … that’s already a little hard … (74.2 KB)

To make the task a little more difficult, I created 3 variants that I change to MultiGate-Random-Loop that looks like this:

(to avoid confusion due to the picture - BP1,BP2,BP3 are in BP4 at the same position 0,0,0)

BP1_Show → BP2_Hide, BP3_Hide
BP2_Show → BP1_Hide, BP3_Hide
BP3_Show → BP2_Hide, BP1_Hide

What if I want to make several variants (solution in the form of O, Z, L, C, S, J, 2, 5, 7 …) do I have to make each separately or is there an easier solution?

My current knowledge is so much that I couldn’t do better…

Just to add that everything works as it should and without problems, the only thing that bothers me is that it looks quite simple and maybe there are unnecessary things, so I would like to see how someone who is serious about this business would do it.

Thank you

Event Dispatchers!

Each cube binds to the graph above, and the graph just calls the dispatcher on Update.

Each cube can then handle its own vectors and lerps between them

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I don’t know how I can use Event Dispatchers on this Blueprint …

If I have 100 cubes, do I have to bind each one separately ?

If it is not difficult for you and if you have time, could you show me a practical example ?

This is what the attached blueprint looks like …



no you bind once in the BaseClass and all the children will bind automatically.

for instance on Cube BeginPlay, get your puzzle manager (make sure its valid first) and bind to your event.

make your Lerp vectors are a variable and instance editable so you can change each cube individually with some glorious copy/paste of course