Hi all,
I am trying to make a pop up menu (3D widget) when looking down at ground from First Person in VR. The navigation of the pop up menu will be setup to trigger buttons when hover over for e.i. 4s. which is done.
I wounder what the best approach would be for the pop up menu? Basically control the movement along with the camera.
So far I have got CameraRotation from PlayerCameraManager to check pitch value so LineTrace would not fire unless pitch is in range of i.e. -30 - -80.
Then my idea was to SetWorldLocationAndRotation of the 3D widget at hit location.
The questions I have is
- wether this is a good start?
- How to set the 3D widget’s location in center of First Person camera, without it being attached to FP camera’s Yaw and Roll?
The idea is to have unattached field of view angle of i.e. 80-90 degrees of Yaw. If out of range (FP camera has moved Yaw) the 3D widget would lerp to FP Camera’s center point.
This to be able to navigate to menu buttons.