UEFN really needs the ability to bind, re-bind or ignore player controls, so I was thinking it would be perfect if we had a device that shows all player controls in a format that is adjacent to the control scheme of your platform OR based on the action (can toggle between).
So in this example, W (forward) stays the same, A (left) changes to be D (right) and then D from the player input is ignored completely. This showcases the three actions that a creator can do, and all these controls are shown in a list within the device. The creator can press in front of the key (input arrow) to toggle between “unchanged or ignored” and after the key (output arrow) to change from "unchanged or bind to key " which then creates a list selection with all the available keys (or actions, based on what the filter shows).
THIS, it would be a super powerful tool and if we also had options like triggering an event based on what key a player hits it would be incredible.
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