There are a ton of material functions that are needed to simplify our process of making materials and properly follow tutorials. Would love to have access to all of them from UE5, like Texture Variation Node, 4wayChaos, among others.
Agree! I realllllly want the Simple Grass Wind node. I think a lot of creators would benefit from it. How to add wind to foliage unreal engine 4 - YouTube
Do you think that Epic has excluded some material functions that they think will be too expensive for Switch/Mobile?
@Rynex_FNC agrees about Simple Grass Wind!
YES, we’ve been having to use a combination of world aligned noise and sine waves to create wind which is good but never as good as actual wind simulations!!
Please Epic!
Same, I have a janky sine wave thing lol. I have PrismaticaDev’s Simple-ish Grass tutorial bookmarked for later, as a workaround. I think their way is actually less expensive than Simple Grass Wind, and is definitely more customizable. But like, most creators would probably just prefer a simple node. Simple-ish Grass Wind (Substitute for SimpleGrassWind UE4/UE5) - YouTube