Major - Project switching takes 20mins+ to complete (with 400mb projects) when launching live edit

When a new bug is introduced every two weeks, I have to go in the UEFN projects and fix them (sometimes multiple times, last update added 10 new bugs for example). However, when I do, I have to reupload the entire project to test it, which takes from 10-20 mins to do. This will only be exponential once more large projects are created (I mostly do large projects), so this is another extra largely time-consuming element that is added when trying to develop games (list is big already).

Would love if at least 2 projects are loaded in the cloud per creator, so at least we save some time loading a third or a forth.


Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

Had a go of my published map yesterday, at a certain radius from centre, the entire landscape disappears and I fall through the floor. In UEFN it returned a lot of landscaping errors.

You just made me realise big bugs won’t keep players and without any players providing feedback on bugs, testing published maps after an update is essential. That is a lot of time taken away from other projects, and I only have 2 to fix and reupload.