I’ve used a third person template to make a first person game set-up.
I’m trying to make him walk on little-medium object (waterbottle, can, etc…)
But it make kinda always my character jitter/shake/rotate/eject.
I’ve tried adjusting pretty much every setting for both physics and collision on both the character and the object but still no luck.
Same for CDD…
The quick fix is editing the character’s movement component.
It holds a property “Enable physics interaction”. If set to false this problem is solved.
But it’s a bit silly. One might want to push doors or interact in different ways.
The cause for this interaction glitchyness could be an issue in the character or in the object colliding with but I am not entirely sure myself. It is absolutely crazy default behavior. Some imaginary force seems to explode beneath the character’s feet even when the downward force applied is just small, just as in the linked videos.
I also had this problem and in fact the solution is very simple,
Just put a collision box at the bottom of the default collision capsule, and make that box block the physics body and ignore the rest. Then you set the small objects as a physics body and you’re good to go.
With this I can interact with small objects without bugs and I can even climb stairs if needed
It’s a good workaround, but if you jump on a physical, the weird things happen again…
There is the “standing downward force scale” param that allow to mitigate the issue if set to 0 or nearly. It apparently works fine but then small objects won’t react at all, character just steps on them. So it can be combined with the additional collision box solution.