Majestic Fantasy Series - Halls & Interiors Released!

Majestic Fantasy Series

Purchase Majestic Fantasy Halls & Interiors Here!

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Majestic Fantasy Halls & Interiors](Majestic Fantasy Halls & Interiors in Environments - UE Marketplace)

Work In Progress

  • To Be Announced


The Majestic Fantasy Series is a catalogue of next generation assets that will be made available on the marketplace. Construct a series of high quality environments. Fine tune each asset to your liking, tweaking values including color, PBR, detail normals and more. Modular both physically and materially, set your project apart and put your unique mark on these assets!

  • Customize individual colors and PBR values.
  • Highly modular assets, seamless integration between packs.
  • Next Generation quality visual standard.
  • Multiple example environments.
  • Post release support and updates.


Feel free to make suggestions on what you would like to see in a future pack. Could be a specific asset, or theme.

Congrats, looks awesome!

Thanks RaaYaar! =)

Beautiful pack, with a very distinctive style that just looks gorgeous. The texture work and every detail is amazing here. It’s fairly easy to tweak the materials and give it a very different but consistent look.

There are a few things that could be improved on, specially the “modularity”, since this may be “matching assets”, but it’s not on a grid, or have multiplicity in sizes, so you have to rely in protruding walls/collumns a lot, and seems that some pieces were thought more in creating the scene than in modularity (for example if you want to use the stairs alone, you have to flip the normals and resize the wall), or having 5 arches that are pretty much the same, specially the ones for the doors, since the size difference is almost the same.

I’m loving the pack, keep the good work ! It would be nice to see some more decals/ornaments, maybe a handrail in the style of the stairs, wallpaper textures, different doors, or another type of arch/hallway, since while all it’s here it’s amazing, there’s not much content (or very similar content).

This was something I was looking for quite some time, just looks beautiful, are you planning on do an exteriors pack ?

Thanks for this great asset !

Hey Shredingskin,

Thank you very much for your support and great feedback. It is much appreciated. =)

The architectural pieces are designed to work with the 5cm and 10cm grid, the “prop” pieces such as the lights, or the pillars are designed to fit within the heights of the different ceilings but are more free form so to speak. One thing to take note of in the example environment as well is the differences in the hallway archway assets. They require different versions depending on if the hallway is straight with two walls on each side, or T shaped. I tried to make things as simple as I could, but due to the nature of this architectural style some modified versions of assets are required to work with other assets. A good example of this is the M_Doorway_B and M_Doorway_B_2 assets that are each used with two different doorway walls.

In regards to the stairs, yes the designs were created specifically for the main room. Though there will be more variants in the exterior pack which will make more use of verticality. I’ll be sure to include a more versatile set of steps. =)

Thanks, I’m glad to hear that! I do have plans for more packs in this style, specifically a comprehensive props pack as well as an exteriors pack that will connect with the interior architecture. That will likely come after the Props pack as I want to put time into making it very grande and epic.

More texture variants are something I want to explore going forward as well, while still maintaining cohesiveness with the established style. That being said though, as you noted these assets are designed to work with virtually any tiling texture so the end user can customize it even further should they like. =)

If you have any reference photos or specific ideas of something you’d like to see with regards to the doors, archways, or wallpaper textures feel free to post and I’ll archive it for when I return back to this collection. No guarantees that it will make it in, but if I can make it fit I’ll try to go for it. =)

Get Majestic Fantasy Halls & Interiors on sale now through 1/31/18!

Also, be sure to check out the new trailer:

I’m interested in this, but do you have a screenshot of the modular pieces spread out? I’d like to see how some of the components breakdown, such as the stairs and archways.

Hey Mairsil!

Thanks for your interest. Yes, you can see a photo of the pieces on the product page. It’ll be the last photo in the gallery here - Majestic Fantasy Halls & Interiors in Environments - UE Marketplace

Let me know if you have any further questions and I’ll be happy to assist! =)