Maintaining Relative Vector Sphere Position Relative to Rotating/Moving Camera

Hello, to preface i have been using the “predict projectile path param” node to dot out the location of sphere traces for a detection system, this is shot out from the player cameras forward vector and forms an arc by getting the for each loop and creating a trace sphere (Seen below).

When the loop is completed i am currently (for now) delaying it for a second so i can move and rotate in a random direction to see if the function i have tried to implement will recreate that same arc exactly as it did before (starting from the camera rotation and position and firing straight out).

The problem is i can’t seem to find a function or node that gets the saved vectors and then translates them in way so they then rotate to match and player rotation and location.

the way i have it now it just gets the relative location and move with the player but doesn’t rotate to continuously match the cameras rotation (forward rotation)

i know i can just fire the projectile arc again, but i would like the variables placed into arrays and variables so i can then edit and use them afterwards aswell as some other things too.

i would like to know of way to get all the vector variables and then set the relative location of each sphere trace to always be infront of the camera creating the same arc as the first time.

I can provide for screenshots and videos if you need as well