Hi guys. I am wondering is there a way to maintain an impulse? I want to make a ball keep moving and reflect when it hit an physic object.
When input ball kick action it add player forward vector x 3500 impulse to the ball it able to bounce back when it hit the wall which i wanted to. but the problem is when it crash to wall and bounce back the impulse reduce and slowly the ball stop. I want the ball to keep moving and bounce back when hit the wall for 1 minute.
I have tried to add more impulse on the actor so that it can keep moving and reflect when hit something for longer time but i dun know why when i put the impulse high then the ball actor will be able to pass through an physic object but when having low impulse the ball actor wont be able to pass through the physic object.
This is the video showing that the ball pass through a physic wall.
The first time,When I input ball kick action one time it will add the player forward vector x 3500 impulse to the ball. Then the ball able to bounce back.
The second time I input the ball kick action two time then it will add the player forward vector x 3500 impulse to the ball for 2 time. So now the ball have 3500+3500 impulse and This time it passed through the wall.
here is the blueprint Unreal engine blueprint - Album on Imgur
What I want to achieve is to let the ball to keep moving for 1 minute and even the ball crash to the wall and bounce back i dont want the impulse to be reduce. Is there any way to make the impulse to always stay at 3500?
Any help will be appreciated.