Maintain Collision of Bodies in Lyra?

Currently in Lyra’s default form the mannequins lose their collsions on death so you can walk through them and not have any effect. How can I go about keeping the collisions of bodies after death so they behave like a physics body and can be interacted with? (pushed aside while walking etc.)

Look in the mannequin blueprint. One of the event graphs of one of the base mannequin classes has some nodes that handle what happens on death. Remove the Ragdoll one as well as anything else you don’t want it to do on death.

B_Hero_ShooterMannequin has an event called “OnDeathFinished”, and there’s GCNI_Death and GA_HERO_Death. I haven’t been able to find anything dealing with ragdolls

Check the base classes.

I found this ragdoll node in the hero default blueprint. Are you saying I need to replace this with something else? I’m trying to keep ragdoll but have it be able to interact with collisions.

You’ve found the code where Epic is doing what they want - cause a ragdoll that behaves how they want.

Change it to behave however you want.

I feel like we’re on different wavelengths here. It’s great that you helped me in finding the node but I’m asking how (as in technically speaking how) do I make a ragdoll do what I’m describing.

Did you click on that function? It literally does everything you’re asking about.

That Ragdoll function:

  • Disables Collision on the Character Mesh
  • Disables Physics Simulation
  • Adds an impulse so the Ragdoll falls in some direction

Just turn off the stuff you don’t want.

I figured it out. That ragdoll function actually does the opposite of almost everything you said. Which is why I was confused. Instead it sets a collision preset of ragdoll on the mesh and then enables physics before adding the impulse. The reason the bodies couldn’t be interacted with isn’t because of the bodies themselves but because of lyra’s default collision settings for the “living” player controlled character. Once I went into the viewport of the B_Hero_Default blueprint, selected the capsule component and changed the collision preset to BlockAll, I was then able to kick the bodies around. It’s going to take a little more tweaking than that to get it just right but I’m on the right track now. Thanks.

Glad you figured it out. :+1:

(post deleted by author)

Hello Xist,
Let me ask you the same question, please (seems Romance is not active here any longer):
In Lyra game if I set collision to “Block all” (following Romance idea) my character cannot pickup weapons/health. I would appreciate if you suggest how to modify Lyra to make “dead” NPCs to interact with environment (e.g. be tossed if you run into them), but yet for the player be able to interact too.
Thank you!

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