I’ve been stuck on this for half a day so I guess it’s time to ask for help. I’m trying to add a main menu to my game by setting the game to pause when it is launched and then when the player selects play the game unpauses. The closest I came to achieving this was about 5 hours ago. When the game was launched the main menu would appear however so would the other widgets such as health bar etc… and then when I clicked play the game would play and work but the widgets would disappear.
I then attempted to fix this and now I find my game in a state where when I press play the main menu appears and the game is paused but if I press play nothing happens. I have a death function that is working fine, when the player dies they have the option to either restart (re-open the level) or quit.
Blueprints: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Lastly sorry if the blueprints are all messed up and / or this is a noob question. I’m a college student who has been doing the course for 4 months which contains about 3 hours of engines a week.
If anymore info / screenshots are needed please just tell me.