So the main menu won’t show up on my Pinball game, either in the PIE mode or the standalone mode, but only at the start. If I bypass the main menu and go straight to the game after beginplay, the menu properly appears and functions at the end of a game after entering the high score (shown in the second picture here).
Both calls to ‘create main menu’ are identical as far as I can tell. (I even tried the create main menu after beginplay with the target set to ‘self’)
This is after one game is over and the high score widget onenter calls the create main menu event (after bypassing the main menu completely by resetting game on beginplay)
Have you set the game mode override for the level to PinballGameMode?
You can do this by clicking Settings>>World Settings(which will appear on the right hand side of the screen) then check under Game Mode to see if Game Mode override is set to PinballGameMode.
Hey! Yes, I have done that, and the one in Maps and Mods in project settings too. This has been bugging me for days because I can’t really see a reason why this doesn’t work. I’ve tried checking the logic of most of my blueprints and it seems fine.
If it’s any help, my cursor doesn’t disappear after starting the game. This might be because of the show cursor thing I used in the create main menu function. But the menu itself doesn’t appear, as it the menu is created by it just invisible or instantly removed (and not clickable).
Found it! In PinballPlayerController there is a node we built that says Event BeginPlay -->Detect → detect -->player hud. You need to remove the HUD from there because that begin play is overriding the game blueprint’s begin Play.