Ive been working on a Main Menu for my game… which i have made entirely with Blueprints, and it all works great!
My only worry is that it wont work well with different screen dimensions. I have my HUD BP set up so it works at different screen dimensions but because Ive made my main menu in BP i’m pretty sure i cant have it scale or change size right?
If its possible to scale the text and graphic components within the BP that would be cool to know!
Event Receive Draw Hud gives you the screen dimensions so it should scale/set the location of your HUD elements depending on the screen it is running on i assume, if you use those size variables to multiply and set the scale/location of those elements that is. I haven’t tested a BP HUD on different resolutions though so i’m not sure.
I have built many menu systems using the idea that Jacky has given. Using the screen dimensions gives you the base to use math to work out how the hud should perform under any resolution. Most of the draw text and draw material nodes in BP have a scale variable as well as scale position variables.
There are also helpful nodes such as “get text size” which returns the size of a string on screen on pixels.
I see the text render components still have the X and Y scale stuff which is cool but im not sure how i can access that information to change depending on the screen dimentions.
Off the top of my head you set a max. resolution value, for instance 1920x1080. Then divide Size X by 1920 and size Y by 1080, then use those values as the multipliers of your text scale. So when the user’s screen resolution is 1920x1080 the texts will appear at 1/1 scale, and as the resolution goes down the texts will scale down accordingly. Solving the aspect ratio problem is up to you.
Btw, you may want to give UMG a try since it does all this automatically, as far as i know.
Ahh ok I see I’ll see what I can do.
Yeah i wish I had, I’ve already put a ton of work into this though and it’s pretty much all good apart from the screen resolution stuff so I hope I can get it working haha. If not I guess I’ll have to check out the UMG stuff, was just a bit worried that it could get removed or changed heavily