Hy yal i’m really a noob on UE4. Right now we want to develop a simple time attack game where the player just has to click on something on the screen or type a word on a sertain amount of time and if correct just go to the next level. My question is. Can we make the intire game with the user interface widget. The main game is a black screen with text a timer and maybe a flipbook animation on it. If this is all posible with the UI widget it would really help us alot. Thanks
For what you are wanting to do there are plenty of tutorials. For what I am wanting to do there are no tutorials. Mark this as anwered and I will send you a private massage on forums. The problem is that I do C++ programming and I have never done UMGs like this.
Im looking for blueprint help. Not that great with c++ thanks
Not sure if you can do it all with a widget, But you dont want to anyway.
Look into paper2D with a
For the time attack/ typing words you can read what the player has written and make logic off there.
Just use widget for input.
I am going to take it from here and you should of mentioned this “A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums”.
You are right about this should be done in 2D, if he wants it to be.
I have sent a private massage and it “https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/UMG/HowTo/Create3DWidgets/index.html”.
To be honest I am a noob as well(See your forums inbox for details ShrewGlue.).
This is basically what we have in mind. we just want a black screen with text input and output. Can this be done in unreal. Can you help us get started. I dont know where or how to start with the screen and inputs. Thank you
I do not have time to get a screen shot, but to set up your game type the name of the game as your project name, if there is a error massage about not being allowed to use spacers then replace your spacers with “_”. Use starter continence. Use “paper2D” not height quality. Desktop console as the device you will be running this on. You can use Blueprints and the template will be " time attack/ typing"(This may not help you.).