I’m a beginner and I can’t discover what is my mistake.
When run Open Level module always does message log “CreateWidget called with a null class.”
Please someone knows a solution?
I’m a beginner and I can’t discover what is my mistake.
When run Open Level module always does message log “CreateWidget called with a null class.”
Please someone knows a solution?
Try open level by name. Just to remove that from the equation?
I’ve tried with open level by name with the same result.
Not understand your question, sorry but my English isn’t very well…
Does this level add a widget to the screen? Have you specified the type of widget?
No, this level I try to open hasn’t a widget, for this reason I don’t understand. I tried to open other levels even new levels just creates and always I have the same result.
Have you been editing the game mode, or player controller?
Yes, I created a new game mode class with new default pawn class.
Wherever you have specified your game mode, project settings or world settings, I wonder if the HUD you’ve specified there has a problem. Try just clearing that
I’ve tested with different options of GameMode with the same result.
Then I’ve created a new MenuLevel, BP Interface menu and even a new level to call it by button into new interface and again the same error.
But at that moment I’ve thought … I have a different plugins installed for testing and probably something still be enabled … that was it!!!
I had the CommonLoadingScreen plugin enabled and when I’ve disabled it all it works again!!!
Thanks a lot for your knowledge and help.
Ha! - excellent.