I’ve made a MainMenu as per the UMG tutorial, and it appears correctly when my standard level is started in the editor.
However it doesn’t appear for any other level.
Hex dumping the standard level .uasset, and also the reference viewer, show that the main menu is referenced by the standard level. However I can’t find the connection in the UI, or in a text export of the level. So I can’t work out how to connect the main menu to other levels, or how to break such a connection.
So how can the level to main menu connection be viewed or modified ?
Hello drhugh,
If I understand you correctly, you would like to add your widget to the viewport in another level. If this is the case I have provided an example below. I hope that this information helps.
I am just using the Character blueprint as an example. You could add this to other blueprints such as the player controller or level blueprint. In this example I am adding the widget to the viewport when the character is added to the level.
Note: If you would like to remove this widget from the screen you can use the “Remove from Parent” node
Make it a great day
Thanks Rudy. I rediscovered the level blueprint, which contained a graph just like the above, and have transferred it from there to my “Main” level blueprint. The level blueprint is accessed in an unusual way, using the “Blueprints” tab in the ribbon bar, and I’d forgotten this. The UMG main menu example says to put the event graph there, but I didn’t notice the instruction to put it in the “Main” level rather than the startup level. All working fine now.